Kiss wrinkles goodbye with GlamRX Aesthetics Botox and Dysport services in Utah County. Our dedicated team of glam girls are here to help you achieve your desired results with exceptional cosmetic treatments.


Botox and Dysport offer remarkable benefits for those looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enhancing your natural beauty. Say hello to a more vibrant you and experience the remarkable benefits of Botox and Dysport in Utah County today.

  • Customizable Results

    Botox and Dysport can be customized to address specific concerns and desired outcomes, ensuring personalized and natural-looking results for each individual.

  • Non Surgical

    Don't worry, Botox injections are usually quite comfortable, with only a mild stinging sensation at the injection site. We prioritize your comfort, and any brief discomfort quickly fades away, making the experience well worth it. 

  • Quick and Convenient

    Botox and Dysport treatments are typically quick, often taking just a few minutes, making them convenient for individuals with busy schedules.

  • Forehead Lines

    15 minutes, $13/unit nonmembers (12-20 units)

    Get rid of horizontal forehead lines to help skin look younger, balanced, and natural. We often treat the scowl lines with the forehead.

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  • Scowl Lines

    15 minutes, $13/unit (12-20 units) 

    These lines are the lines between your brows often referred to as ‘11’s’ which are visible when scowling or furrowing the brow. Treating this area with botox or dysport can soften your appearance and open up the eyes.

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  • Bunny Lines

    15 minutes, $13/unit (6-12 units)

    Bunny lines appear when you scrunch up your nose or scrunch your nose when you scowl. This quick treatment will relax those muscles and fade those lines.

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  • Brow Lift

    15 minutes, $13/unit (4-10 units)

    Brow lift botox is used to quickly wake up tired eyes and is best paired with the treatment of scowl lines. Botox brow lifts are the key to looking more refreshed and awake. 

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  • Crows Feet

    15 minutes, $13/unit (12-24 units)

    Crows feet are the lines on the outer corners of the eyes, often accentuated when smiling. To prevent these from sticking at rest, or to soften lines that have begun to stick, a quick treatment with botox or dysport can smooth out these lines and keep you looking youthful.

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  • Chin Botox

    15 minutes, $13/unit (6-8 units)

    Relax the lower face to elongate the chin and help prevent ‘orange peel’ appearance. To prevent lower face aging and sagging, the chin is best treated in combination with the DAOs and platysmal ‘neck bands’. 

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  • Lip Lines/Lip Flip

    15 minutes, $13/unit (4-8 units)

    Get rid of the fine lines around your mouth or create a fuller lip with a botox lip flip.

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  • Tech Neck

    15 minutes, $13/unit (20-40 units)

    Got necklace lines on your neck? Instantly soften and tighten the neck with Botox. 

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  • Downturn Smile/DAOs

    15 minutes, $13/unit (8-10 units) 

    If the corners of your mouth turn down and make you look like you're frowning at rest, this is for you! Botox will literally turn your frown upside down. This is an excellent preventative treatment too. 

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  • Platysmal Bands

    15 minutes, $13/unit (12-30 units)

    Botox treatment options for platysmal bands will relax and soften the appearance of the neck, resulting in a smoother and more youthful neck contour.

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  • Facial slimming injections / TMJ

    15 minutes, $13/unit (30-60 units)

    For those who clench and grind their teeth and have jaw pain. Facial slimming can be achieved at higher doses and is one of the simplest ways to achieve a youthful heart face shape.

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  • Sweating

    20 minutes, $13/unit (40-100 units)

    Manage excessive sweating in the underarms, palms, and soles of the feet.

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  • Gummy Smile

    15 minutes, $13/unit (4 units)

    Minimize the visibility of excessive gum tissue when smiling.

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  • Nasal Flaring

    5 minutes, $13/unit (6 units)
    Reduce the widening of the nostrils.

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  • Other

    TBD, $13/unit

    Have something else in mind? There are so many ways to use Botox and Dysport, lets create the perfect treatment plan for you!

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  • Complimentary Consultation

    30 minutes, Free

    Not sure what you want or have more questions? Book a complimentary consultation today.

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What is the difference between Botox and Dysport?

Botox and Dysport are both neuromodulators- meaning they both relax the muscles to prevent wrinkling of the skin, but the end result is the same. Botox is the most well-studied neurotoxin and trusted by many cosmetic providers. The biggest difference between the two is onset according to some. Although no studies have been done on the onset of dysport, most clients feel it begins to take effect in 3-5 days where botox typically takes 7-10 days. Botox is the only neurotoxin with FDA indication to treat the entire upper face where Dysport is only FDA approved for use between the brows. 

When will I see results?

Results may be seen in as little as 3 days but may take up to 7-10 days for it to start working. On average, It is in full effect by day 14.

How many treatments will I need?

For younger individuals without lines at rest, results will likely be seen after the first treatment. For older individuals that have lines that are present while at rest, it may take 2-4 visits to completely soften and get rid of those lines completely. Using a neurotoxin is a great way to be preventative so that later in life you aren’t plagued by wrinkles, but it is never too late to start! 

How long do the results last?

With all neuromodulators, the dose you receive will determine the duration of your treatment. ‘Baby Botox’ dosing typically only lasts about 1.5 months while an adequate dosing schedule, suggested by your practitioner, will last you 3-4 months. Because Botox is considered a medication, your practitioner can only inject an area every 3 months at minimum so that you do not build a tolerance to it. Additionally, certain skincare products can prolong your results. 

Will I need time to recover?

While there is no recovery period, there are post care guidelines that your practitioner will go over with you during your appointment. Some of the more important post care instructions are no pressure to the treated area for 3 days, no exercise or sweating for 24 hours, and refrain from facials or massage for 2 weeks post treatment. 

How many units do I need?

A medical practitioner will determine your dose based on FDA guidelines and individual need. While we can somewhat predict dosing from person to person, some people will require higher doses than others, this is usually due to a larger forehead or surface area to cover, or stronger muscles than the average individual. 


"I have been going to Shelby for my Botox treatments for a year now, and she’s got a customer for life at this point! Out of the RNs I’ve been to, Shelby has made SUCH a difference in terms of making me feel safe, confident in my own skin, and I genuinely look forward to each appointment. Her work is simply outstanding."

Mary B.



Find the perfect practitioner for you at GlamRX Aesthetics.