Unlock your skin's full potential with this revolutionary treatment that utilizes your body's own growth factors and regenerative properties. BioGel/EZprf stimulates collagen production, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and enhances overall skin texture and tone.


Trust our expert team of skilled practitioners to deliver exceptional results and indulge in the ultimate spa experience. Reveal a more youthful, radiant you with BioGel/EZprf and step into a world of renewed beauty.

  • Enhanced Rejuvenation

    BioGel/EZprf offers advanced rejuvenation benefits, promoting collagen production and improving skin elasticity. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging, resulting in a more youthful and revitalized complexion.

  • Boosts Collagen Production

    BioGel/EZprf utilizes the body's own regenerative properties by harnessing the power of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This natural approach stimulates tissue repair, promoting skin healing and regeneration without the need for synthetic fillers or invasive procedures.

  • Customizable Treatment

    BioGel/EZprf treatment can be personalized to address specific concerns and target various areas of the face, including fine lines, wrinkles, uneven texture, and sagging skin. The versatility of this treatment allows for tailored solutions that meet individual needs, ensuring optimal results and client satisfaction.

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  • BioGel Under Eye Treatment

    1 hour 30 minutes, $1200 ($250 add-on area)

    This non-invasive solution targets dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines, leaving your eyes looking refreshed and youthful. Experience the transformative power of BioGel for brighter, more revitalized eyes.

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  • BioGel Mid-Face Rejuvenation

    1 hour 30 minutes, $1200

    By replenishing lost volume in the mid-face, this transformative procedure lifts and rejuvenates the face, resulting in a noticeable improvement in the appearance of jowls, nasolabial folds, sagging skin, and even enhancing the definition of your jawline. Experience a more youthful and sculpted facial contour as we restore harmony to your mid-face, unveiling a refreshed and revitalized appearance.

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  • BioGel Hand Rejuvenation

    1 hour 30 minutes, $1200

    Designed to restore volume and enhance the appearance of your hands. This specialized procedure targets the hands, replenishing lost volume and addressing common concerns such as thinning skin, visible veins, and wrinkles. By rejuvenating your hands, we create a more youthful and vibrant look, promoting a renewed sense of confidence. Experience the transformative effects of Hand Rejuvenation as we unveil smoother, plumper, and more youthful-looking hands, helping you feel beautiful from fingertips to wrists.

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  • PRF Hair Restoration

    45 minutes, $750 

    Whether you're seeking to address hair loss or simply desire thicker, more voluminous hair, our innovative approach can help. Harnessing the power of PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) enriched with revitalizing stem cells, our treatment stimulates dormant hair follicles, promoting hair growth and rejuvenation. Particularly beneficial for individuals who experienced hair loss due to Covid, our hair restoration therapy provides a revitalizing boost to your hair follicles. Rediscover the joy of luscious, healthy hair with our transformative PRF-based treatment.

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  • PRF with Microneedling

     60 minutes, $399 

    Reveal radiant skin with microneedling, a collagen-stimulating treatment that improves skin elasticity, texture, fine lines, scarring, and pigmentation. Ideal for sun-damaged skin, the added benefits of PRF with stem cell therapies accelerate healing for faster and more impressive results. Experience the transformative power of Microneedling enhanced by PRF for rejuvenated and healthier-looking skin.

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  • Complimentary Consultation

    30 minutes, Free

    Not sure what you want or have more questions? Book a complimentary consultation today!

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What is BioGel/EZprf?

BioGel/EZprf is an innovative treatment that utilizes a combination of bioactive substances and regenerative properties found in your body's own platelet-rich plasma (PRP). It is designed to stimulate collagen production, promote tissue regeneration, and improve skin texture and tone.

How does BioGel/EZprf work?

BioGel/EZprf works by utilizing PRP, which is derived from a small sample of your own blood. The PRP is then processed to extract the beneficial growth factors and platelets. When applied to the skin, these growth factors stimulate collagen production and promote the healing and rejuvenation of damaged tissues.

What are the benefits of BioGel/EZprf?

BioGel/EZprf offers numerous benefits, including improved skin texture and tone, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, enhanced overall skin quality, and increased collagen production. It can also help with scar reduction, hair restoration, and certain joint or musculoskeletal conditions.

Is BioGel/EZprf safe?

Yes, BioGel/EZprf is considered safe as it utilizes your body's own blood components, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions or complications. The treatment is performed by trained professionals who adhere to strict safety protocols.

How long does a BioGel/EZprf treatment session take?

A BioGel/EZprf treatment session typically takes about 30-60 minutes, depending on the specific area being treated and the individual's unique needs.

Is BioGel/EZprf painful?

The treatment involves the use of local anesthesia or a topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Some individuals may experience mild discomfort or a sensation of pressure during the application of the gel.

 How many BioGel/EZprf treatments are needed to see results?

The number of BioGel/EZprf treatments required varies depending on the individual's goals and the condition being treated. Generally, a series of treatments, typically spaced several weeks apart, is recommended to achieve optimal results.

Is there any downtime or recovery period after BioGel/EZprf treatment?

BioGel/EZprf treatments typically have minimal downtime, with most individuals able to resume their regular activities immediately following the procedure. Some redness or swelling at the treatment site may occur, but it usually subsides within a few days.

How long do the results of BioGel/EZprf last?

he longevity of results can vary depending on factors such as age, skin condition, and lifestyle. Typically, results can be seen for several months to a year. Periodic maintenance treatments may be recommended to sustain and prolong the benefits.

Is BioGel/EZprf suitable for all skin types?

Yes, BioGel/EZprf is suitable for all skin types. It can be customized to address various skin concerns and conditions, making it a versatile treatment option for a wide range of individuals.


"I HIGHLY recommend Shelby and Glam RX Aesthetics to anyone who has had a hard time finding a high quality Med Spa that’s an honest business with genuine owners (Shelby) who care about the patient and not just the money. Trust me, you will not regret going to Shelby!"

Kelsey B.



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