Sculptra works wonders by stimulating collagen production deep within the skin. As a result, lines, creases, and folds gradually diminish, revealing a more youthful and radiant you.


Embrace the gradual transformation of Sculptra, allowing its effects to unfold over several weeks, so that your rejuvenation remains discreet and leaves others marveling at your naturally renewed beauty. Discover the incredible Sculptra before and after difference, and unlock the secret to timeless beauty.

  • Gradual Transformation

    Sculptra's unique approach means that the transformation occurs gradually. Instead of an abrupt change, the treatment unfolds over several weeks, ensuring a subtle and discreet enhancement that keeps others guessing about your secret.

  • Boosts Collagen Production

    Sculptra's collagen-stimulating properties have a dual benefit. Not only does it address the immediate concerns, but it also helps improve the overall quality and texture of the skin over time. This can lead to a more youthful and radiant complexion.

  • Non-Surgical Solution

    Sculptra is a non-surgical alternative for those seeking facial rejuvenation. With its injectable nature, it eliminates the need for invasive procedures, offering a convenient and minimally invasive option for those who want to enhance their appearance.

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  • Sculptra for the Face

    45 minutes, starts at $900

    Sculptra is an injectable collagen stimulator and can be injected in the temples, cheeks, smile lines, jawline and more. It gradually strengthens and tightens the skin while replacing lost volume in the face naturally. A series of 2-3 treatments is generally recommended. Results can last 3-5 years. 

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  • Sculptra Skin Tightening

    30 minutes, starts at $900

    Can be injected into the knees, elbows, abdomen, and labia to strengthen texture, tone, and plump and tighten to address age-related volume loss. Results last 3-5 years.

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  • Sculptra Butt Lift (BBL)

    45 minutes, $4900 

    A non-surgical approach to a Brazilian butt-lift using Sculptra. Sculptra stimulates collagen allowing your body to make its own volume. Leaving you with a lifted, plumper booty! Last 3-5 years.

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  • Complimentary Consultation

    30 minutes, Free

    Not sure what you want or have more questions? Book a complimentary consultation today!

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What is Sculptra and how does Sculptra work?

Sculptra works by stimulating the body's natural collagen production which gives support and structure to the skin. Collagen supports hyaluronic acid production which helps the skin to retain moisture and elastin which helps maintain tight and smooth skin.

When will I see results?

While you will see immediate results in the office, these results will begin to dissipate and go down in 1-3 days. It takes 4-8 weeks for collagen production to become noticeable. Continued improvement from Sculptra can be seen even between 1 and 2 years after treatment. 

How many Sculptra treatments will I need?

The amount of treatments needed are dependent on each individual's need. Younger individuals typically only need one session with 1-2 vials while older individuals may need 3 to 5 sessions with 2-3 vials per session in the first year. A ‘maintenance session’ each year is recommended to maintain results as we continue to age but the required amount of product is usually less. 

How long do the results last?

Results can last between 2 and 5 years but are dependent on how many treatments you receive. 

What is the difference between Sculptra and filler?

Filler is an injectable gel made from hyaluronic acid and the results are seen instantly. Sculptra comes in a powder-form and is mixed with saline to deliver the product under the skin. The saline is absorbed by the body in 1-3 days and then the powder acts as ‘collagen fertilizer’ and begins to stimulate your body's own natural collagen production and over time begins to add volume back to the area it was injected. 

Will I need time to recover?

You may experience some tenderness at the injection site for the first few days and in some cases you may have some minor bruising. You can go back to your normal routine immediately after treatment. 


"Shelby is INCREDIBLE! Not only is she absolutely the best at her work, she’s the sweetest and truly cares about her clients. She has helped me completely change and improve my skin issues. I feel so confident because of her. I don’t trust anyone else with my face. I recommend her 1000%."

Ashley B.


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